Comparative analysis of secretory factor profiles of human stromal vascular fraction by body region

How to Cite

Talavera-Adame, D. . (2020). Comparative analysis of secretory factor profiles of human stromal vascular fraction by body region. American Journal of Translational Medicine, 4(2), 55–69. Retrieved from


BACKGROUND. Stromal vascular fraction (SVF) is increasingly being used for therapeutic treatments; however, there is little data showing the characteristics of these cells. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first paper to investigate and compare the secretory factor profiles of SVF from subcutaneous adipose tissues from different body regions. METHODS. Adipose-derived SVF from anonymized biospecimens were randomly selected and assigned to one of three body regions - abdomen, flanks and thighs -and were analyzed. Specifically, we looked at cell counts, viability, population doubling time, cell density, time to confluency, and secretory factor profiles. RESULTS. While no significant differences were found in cell viability or proliferation between cells from different body regions, the levels of some secretory factors varied from cells derived from different body regions. CONCLUSIONS. These novel findings suggest that there are secretory factor level variations in SVF cells depending on the body region the cells are harvested from. These variations may be considered when SVF is being used as a therapeutic treatment. (Am J Transl Med 2020. 4:55-69).