Bylaw of International Association of Translational Medicine


The Association shall be called the “International Association of Translational Medicine”, commonly referred to as “IATM”.


The purposes of the Association are to advance the study of the all aspects of the translational medicine, to facilitate contact between persons interested in this and allied fields, and to disseminate widely all information and new knowledge obtained. These scientific and educational objectives are to be met by holding meetings and organizing publications or by any other means deemed to be appropriate.


The Association will be incorporated as a qualified exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, or as it may be hereinafter amended.  Dissolution of the Society is addressed in Article XIII.


The Headquarters of the Association shall be located at the business address of the Executive Director as shall be determined by the Board of Director


Section 1. Membership will be open to all individuals in science who have exhibited an interest in, and have contributed to, the purposes of this Association. The Association shall consist of

(a) Regular Members will be admitted to the Association following submission of an appropriately completed application form approved by the Membership Committee Chair or Executive Director, having paid their dues and having been accepted by the President. The names of the accepted Regular Members are reported at the annual meeting.

(b) Associate Members are those individuals still in training positions such as (interns, residents, graduate students, postdoctoral fellows. Associate members must include with their application a letter of support from their mentor indicating that they are in training. Members, Associate members will pay a reduced membership fee as determined by the Board of Director.

(c) Honorary Members, who are distinguished scientists, will be elected by not less than a two thirds majority vote by secret ballot to the members of the Board of Director at the time of an annual meeting of the Association, following nomination by a proposer and seconder from the Council membership.

(d) Emeritus Members who are senior members of the Association of at least ten years standing and retired from their professional posts. They are non-voting members.

(e) Sustaining Associate Members, to be any philanthropic individual, organization, corporation, or foundation which contributes substantially to the support of the Association Sustaining Associate Members are admitted to the association upon action of the Board of Director

(f) Less Economically Developed Country Members (LEDC)) are regular members from Less Economically Developed Countries, as defined by the United Nations.  They have all the same rights and benefits as Regular members but will pay a reduced membership fee to be determined by the Board of Director.

Benefit to be a member of IATM. Association membership can provide you with fulfilling relationships, professional networking, and leadership opportunities, career advancement leads, and easy access to recommendations, resources, and advice on a wealth of business or patient care topics. IATM member will get free subscription and assess to AJTM online, and take priority in consideration as Editorial Board member of AJTM.  And:

  1. Discount on registration fees for the IATM Conferences & Congresses.
  2. Reduced fees for the training programs by the Academy of Translational Medicine (ATM).
  3. Eligibility for professional certifications & fellowship programs offered by the IATM Academy.
  4. Keep updated with latest developments and trends in translational medicine field.
  5. Networking and collaboration opportunities with key opinion leaders (KOLs) & decision makers from academia & industry.

Section 2. The President shall receive an engraved plaque at the annual meeting of the Association at which he or she finishes the term as President as a token of recognition of his or her service to the Association.

Section 3. Membership may be withdrawn from any category of member for reasons such as proven professional, financial, legal or ethical misdemeanor by simple majority decision of the Executive Council.


Section 1. The amount of the dues for the members shall be set by majority vote of the Board of Directorl on the advice of the Treasurer and Finance Committee. Members may pay multiple years in advance. Members failing to pay their dues by January 1 of the current year shall be notified by the Executive Director and after a period of 14 days without reply shall be deemed to have allowed their membership to lapse. Payment of dues outstanding within 30 days will enable the membership to be regained without renewed application. Members whose dues are outstanding are “not in good standing” and may not participate in the business meeting or vote, will lose their subscription to the Association’s journal, and will not qualify for the usual reduction in registration fee for the annual meeting.

Section 2. The Board of Director may decide a lower membership fee for individuals based on the primary country/continent where they conduct their work. The reduced rate, if extended to any members of a particular country/continent, must be extended to all members from that country/continent.

Section 3. The Board of Director will extend a complimentary membership of 1 year to non-member speakers at the annual meeting, to include a 1-year subscription to AJTM. Complimentary membership does not extend to speakers who are currently members or have been a member within the past 3 years.  At the end of the complimentary membership period, the member may choose to upgrade to a paid membership category.  If they do not renew, their membership will be suspended at the end of the complimentary year. 


Section 1. The Association shall be directed by a Board of Directors of (3) Officers and four (4) Director-at-large. Officer and Director-at-large candidates contesting for these positions shall be elected by secret ballot of all members in good standing. The Officers are: President, Secretary, and Treasurer. All candidates for office must have been members in good standing of the Association for at least the previous two years. The Editor-in-chief of the American Journal of Translational Medicine, the Chairman of the Organizing Committee for the annual meeting, and the Historian will be ex officio members of the Board of Director (without vote). Ex officio members may be excluded from all or part of Board of Director meetings at the discretion of the President.

Section 2. The Board of Director shall be responsible for the control and management of the affairs, property, and interests of the Association, and may exercise all powers of the Association except as herein provided or by statute expressly conferred upon or reserved to the Members. The Board of Director shall act in the name of the organization when it is convened by its President after due notice to all Association members and Officers of such meeting. Meetings may be in person, by phone or by other means determined by the President.

Section 3. Each Director will serve for a period of three years. Nominations of Director shall be called for by the Secretary and the Chair of the Nomination Committee not less than four (4) months prior to the annual meeting. Each candidate must be proposed and seconded by two members in good standing of the Association and must provide a short resume of his/her qualifications and experience. This summary will be included in the ballot. Each Director may be reelected for one additional term after which he/ she must stand down for a minimum of one term (i.e., three years) before being eligible to serve another term as Director.

Section 4. The terms of President, immediate Past President, President-Elect and Vice-President will be for five (5) years.  The terms of Secretary, Treasurer, Historian and position of Director-at-large will be for a term of three (3) years. No Officer may hold the same post for more than one 5-year term, except for the Treasurer or Historian, who may be nominated and reelected to serve a single further term to provide continuity in the Association’s financial affairs. President can be renewed for another 5-year term.

Section 5. Voting will take place by secure electronic ballot online. Voting shall close at least two (2) days prior to the start of the annual meeting.  Results will be sent to the Secretary and Nomination Committee Chair one (1) day prior to the Board of Director meeting at the annual meeting.  If two candidates have a tie, the winner will be chosen by secret ballot of the Board of Director at the annual meeting. The results will be presented at the IATM Business Meeting during the annual meeting

Section 6. Any Director may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Board of Director, the President or the Secretary. Unless otherwise specified in such written notice, the resignation of such Councilor shall take effect upon receipt thereof by the Board of Director.

Section 7. No Director may be removed from office without just cause. In the event impeachment proceedings are initiated against any Councilor, the improper conduct must be clearly defined, and the accused Director must have ample opportunity to address the charges. Actual impeachment may occur only by the affirmative vote of a majority of the Regular Members and only after these voting Members have been duly informed of the charges against the Councilor and of the Director's response to those charges. The vote on impeachment may take place at any meeting of the Association, or by ballot of the Regular Members.

Section 8. The Board of Director may appoint any member of the Association to serve an unexpired term of a member of the Board of Director that may fall vacant.

Section 9. Any business of the Association requiring a vote of the membership may be conducted by mail or electronic ballot of the members in good standing. All issues shall be decided by a simple majority vote. Other matters concerning the Association may be decided by the Board of Director.

Section 10. The Board of Director shall meet as frequently as circumstances require, and always at the time of the annual meeting of the Association. Any meeting of the Board of Director shall require the presence of a minimum of three members, of whom two must be Officers to conduct any business in the Association’s name. Discussions at meetings that do not meet this criterion must be reported to the full Board of Director for further action. Any recommendations concerning major policy issues must be approved by a simple majority vote of the full Board of Director In the event of any tied vote, the President shall have the deciding vote.  The Chairs of the committees and the Editor in Chief of the AJTM are members of the Board of Director and participate in the business discussion but do not have voting rights.

Section 11.  Appointment of the Executive Director will be by vote of the Board of Director. The term of office of the Executive Director will be determined by the Board of Director under the leadership of the President. The President and Directors will be responsible for conducting an annual review of the Executive Director.


Section 1. The President is the Chief Executive Officer of the Association and is responsible for maintaining the standing of the Association, for the organization of the annual meeting and for the maintenance and development of the wider activities of the Association. The President shall chair all meetings of the Board of Director. The President should be a member of a scientific institution worldwide.

Section 2. The Vice President will serve as a voting member at the Membership Committee with the responsibility of increasing international membership. At the discretion of the President, the Vice President will sit on any Committee meetings as a full voting member.

Section 3. The President-elect will assume the responsibilities of the President on any such occasion when the absence or incapacity precludes him or her from discharging those responsibilities. The same will be the case in the event of the death or long-term disability of the President. Assumption of this responsibility will not deprive the President-elect from a subsequent full term of office as President.

Section 4. The Secretary shall be responsible for: (a) Reviewing and approving minutes taken by the Board of Director for all meetings of the Board of Director and of the annual Business Meeting which is held in conjunction with the annual meeting of the Association. (b) Presenting the minutes of the previous meeting for Board approval, (c) Providing content for a regular Newsletter to be sent out to the membership by the Executive Director

Section 5. The Treasurer shall be responsible for: (a) Keeping an account of all the financial transactions of the Association, (b) Causing the monies and any other valuable assets of the Society to be held in safe deposit in such bank or trust company as approved by the Executive Council and, (c) Provide a statement of accounts for approval at the annual meeting.  (d) Serve as Chair of the Finance Committee and prepare and recommend financial policies to the Executive Council on an annual basis.

Section 6.  The Historian, appointed by the President, will maintain the IATM archives as a living history of the Association and, as such, all important matters that relate to the operation of the Society should become a part of the archives. Items for submission to the archives should be given to Committee Chairs or Officers of the Association for forwarding to the Historian. Access to the archives is limited to IATM members only, so all requests for information should be made through the Historian. The archives should be maintained in chronological order. The Historian shall: (a) organize data, and analyze and interpret its authenticity and relative significance, (b) gather historical data from sources such as archives, audio/video diaries, news and photographs, as well as collect data sources such as meeting programs, Association minutes and other important documents; (c) record annual award recipient names, and (d) keep track of all member obituaries

Section 7. In the event of a vacancy in any office except that of President and the President-Elect, by reason of death, resignation, inability to act, disqualification, removal, or any other cause, the position shall be filled for the unexpired portion of the term by a majority vote of the Executive Council regularly convened at any regular or special meeting. If vacant, the position of President will be filled for the unexpired portion of the term by the incumbent President Elect. A vacancy in the position of President Elect shall be filled in the next regularly scheduled election of officers. The person selected in this election shall serve out the remainder of the unexpired term of President Elect and then succeed to President as per the usual cycle. In the event that positions of President and President Elect are simultaneously vacant, the Past President shall serve as Acting President, with all the powers and responsibilities of President, until a new President can be elected by the membership of the association.  If no officers are available to fill the vacant position of President, the Board of Director shall appoint an Acting President to serve until a new President can be elected by the membership.

Section 8. The Executive Director to the International Association of Translational Medicine is responsible for the management of the Association, its records and day-to-day operations, and coordination of nonscientific activities associated with the annual meeting of the Association. The Executive Director is an ex officio members of the Board of Director (without vote). Some of the specific duties listed below are found in the IATM Consultant Agreement under the following categories:

  1. General Management of the Association: Maintain all member lists and addresses, coordinate all mailings, update the website as needed and assist the President in coordinating meetings with council members, arranging conference calls, coordinate annual meetings and scheduling.
  2. Coordination of Committees: Work closely with all committee chairs for various projects.
  3. Financial and Legal Management: Assure that all Association records adhere to all state and federal laws and regulations. Perform bookkeeping and accounting duties, such as updating, as required, the on-going ledgers of Association bank accounts
  4. Annual Meeting Planning and Coordination: For each Annual Meeting of the Association, the Executive Officer will assist the Meeting Chairs and Local Organizing Committee, as needed, to identify possible venues and facilitate fundraising. Working with meeting chairs, the Executive Director will negotiate contracts and function as a liaison with the with hotel/conference site as well as work with the Program Committee to ensure the success of the annual meeting.
  5. Membership Management: Liaise with Membership Chair to process applications for membership and maintain an up-to-date online membership directory.



A Nomination Committee composed of the Past President (Chairman) and two members of the Association appointed by the President, of whom at least one will not be a member of the Board of Director, will call for nomination of candidates from the membership not less than four (4) months prior to the annual general meeting of the Association and will propose two or three candidates for each of the positions of President-Elect and Secretary. The Treasurer may be proposed for a second three-year term unopposed if he or she is willing, otherwise two or three candidates will be proposed for the position of Treasurer. The candidates for President-Elect must have served previously as an Officer or Director-at-large for at least two years or as the Meeting Chair of an annual meeting. All nominees must confirm their willingness to stand for office. Each candidate must be nominated and seconded by two members in good standing of the Association and provide written confirmation of his or her willingness to stand for election. Each candidate must provide a short resume of his/ her qualifications and experience. This summary will be included in the ballot.


An Award Committee consisting of a chairman appointed by the President and five members in good standing appointed by the Board of Director. Members serve staggered 3-year terms. The chairman will determine the recipients of all awards given by the Association. Five members should reflect the membership demographics, including clinical vs. basic background, locale, large vs. small animal research, and senior vs. young investigators. The frequency with which the awards are given and the criteria for selecting the recipients will be determined by the Board of Director and serve as the framework within which this committee operates. In the case where an award is funded by an endowment, any stipulated terms and conditions must be followed.


The Program Committee shall consist of a Chair and a Co-Chair appointed by the President, two members of the Board of Director appointed by the President, and three members elected by the Board of Director. Members serve three-year terms. Members are to be chosen to represent different institutions and areas of the country. The Chair is a non-voting member of Director. The budget, location and program for the annual meeting must be approved by the Board of Director

The annual meeting shall be organized by a Program Committee appointed by the President, and the President shall be an ex officio member (voting member) of the Program Committee. The Program Committee shall be headed by a minimum of (1) Meeting Chair and (1) Meeting Co-Chair.  The President will call for nominations of Meeting Chairs at least twelve (12) months prior to the annual meeting.  In the second year of the President’s term, the President Elect shall work with the current President to select the Meeting Chairs.  Proposals will be discussed, and a final decision made at the Board of Director meeting during the current year’s annual meeting. In the event that there are any difficulties with the organization of the annual meeting, the President will have the responsibility for resolving them appropriately. Final decision on the scientific program will be determined by the Board of Director working with the Meeting Chairs. 

The scientific program will be based on a combination of proposals for scientific sessions submitted by current members of the society and suggestions submitted by the Program Committee and/or Meeting Chair.  A call for proposals will be sent out to all current members at least nine (9) months prior to the annual meeting.  The Program Committee will rank the proposals and submit to the Chair(s) and the President for their consideration. The final decision on session topics and speakers will be made by the Meeting Chair in conjunction with the Program Committee at least six (6) months prior to the annual meeting.


A Publication Committee consisting of a chairman, five members appointed by the President, and with the President as a member shall provide input to the Board of Director on issues related to the American Journal of Translational Medicine. Among other activities, the Committee shall recommend to the Board of Director candidates for the Editor, make recommendations regarding editorial policy and fiscal matters related to publications.


The five members of the IATM Public Affairs Committee are appointed by Council on staggered three-year terms. The Executive Director serves as a non-voting, ex officio member. Representatives from other groups with which IATM may establish public affairs liaison may be appointed as non-voting members of the committee as needed. The IATM Committee on Public Affairs will identify, analyze, and respond to policy, legislative, and regulatory initiatives that are of interest to obstetrician, gynecologist immunologists, reproductive immunologists or to biomedical researchers in general. The CPA will lead the public policy efforts of IATM and interact with relevant government officials and other professional organizations/societies, always advocating for the best interests of science and working to improve the professional lives of reproductive immunologists.

Committee Mission:

  • Develop a consistent position on policy issues that are relevant to the field of translational medicine and that impact IATM;
  • Coordinate membership participation in areas associated with pending legislation, public laws, and actions by federal executive departments
  • Coordinate this effort by organizing their responses and activities
  • Devise ways to educate those in government and the public about the field of translational medicine; Maintain liaison with other organizations whose public affairs goals are consistent with those of IATM.
  • Monitor and analyze federal legislation, regulations (proposed and/or existing), and budgets that may impact IATM members and science as a whole, and take action as needed
  • Maintain and/or create contacts/liaisons with Congress, federal agencies, and other professional association/like-minded organizations, and work as necessary to advance mutual interests
  • Represent and apprise IATM members regarding issues of professional concern, and assist members in informing their elected representatives and their communities about those issues


The five members of the Education Committee are appointed by Board of Director on staggered three-year terms. The IATM Education Committee is dedicated to promoting science education and helping its members in science outreach activities.  The role of the committee is to plan and coordinate a variety of educational activities and programs of IATM, develop informational and educational materials in reproductive immunology for the audiences with which IATM wishes to communicate and participate in activities and coalitions that foster education in the life sciences.

Committee Mission:

Initiate and/or oversee activities resulting in the development and execution of:

  • IATM Courses in translational medicine
  • IATM Summer Research Programs for Undergraduate students
  • Grant Review for Translational Medicine Program ("GRTMP")
  • Committee-sponsored symposia at the IATM Annual Meeting


The Five members of the Membership Committee are appointed by Board of Director on staggered three-year terms. The IATM Membership Committee is dedicated to helping IATM meet the needs of the translational medicine community, especially its members, by voicing its concerns and making suggestions for changes or additions to current IATM practices, policies or bylaws.

Committee Mission:

  • Determine the eligibility of applicants for active membership and submit applications to Council;
  • Recommend changes in the criteria for membership for consideration by Council;
  • Solicit applications for membership, analyze current membership for composition and representation, and make any recommendations concerning the above issues to Council.


A minimum of four members of the Committee are selected by the Board of Director and serve a four-year term, along with the IATM Executive Director.  The Website & Social Media Committee uses technology to communicate the goals and initiatives of the Society, connect members with each other and with resources, and advance the research of the Reproductive Immunology field.

Committee Mission:

  • Engage and inform membership about all things related to Reproductive Immunology and IATM
  • Raise member awareness of Reproductive Immunology and IATM
  • Connect membership to the IATM message
  • Increase participation of all committees in communicating to the membership
  • Promote the IATMeNews/Blog
  • Add content to the IATM website
  • Recruit new committee members


This committee is an ad hoc committee that can be activated at the discretion of the President when there is an agreement with the Executive Council that revisions to the bylaws need to be considered.  Three members will be selected by the President from the membership of IATM, and three members are appointed by Council.  All the members should have functioned in the past in a leadership position within IATM. 

Committee Mission:

To consider amendments to the constitution and bylaws; to review and draft rules for the conduct of council and membership meetings.

  • Review proposed amendments and recommend for Council consideration changes to the bylaws that are consistent with the Association’s overall mission and purpose.
  • In response to requests from the Council and/or President, review and make recommendations for changes to the bylaws.
  • Examine and consider the implications of proposed changes and make recommendations to the Council. Ensure adherence to the Bylaws amendments process and timeline.
  • Review proposed bylaws amendments to be considered by the membership of IATM and make recommendations to the Council


The Fellowship Committee is made up of nine (9) members; 2 co-chairs and 7 regular members.  The Co-Chairs are appointed by the President and confirmed by the Council.  Co-chairs will serve a 3-year non-renewable term.  Members of the committee will be suggested by Co-Chairs and confirmed by the Council.  Members will serve on staggered three-year terms. The members of the committee will include the following expertise: Translational medicine, Oncology, Ophthalmology, Immunology

All co-chairs and members must be:

  • an MD or MD/PhD
  • a certified Physician
  • an active member of IATM in good standing
  • demonstrate academic excellence (mentorship, scholarly work, active clinical practice).

If an application is received from an international institution, a local committee will be established under the Fellowship Committee to oversee the activities of the program in the respective country.

Committee Mission:

The mission of the IATM Translational Medicine Fellowship Committee is to identify, nurture and certify experts in the field of translational medicine and to recognize their unique abilities and knowledge in the areas of translational medicine and medical practice.

The role of the committee is to:

  • Review and approve guidelines for the fellowship curriculum
  • Develop and manage fellowship application process
  • Determine application fees for institutions and individuals
  • Review and approve institutional fellowship applications
  • Evaluate progress of the institutional fellowship
  • Set policy and procedures for the fellowship
  • Organize and coordinate the clinical symposium that will take place at the IATM Annual Meeting, ensuring that the clinical symposium is CME approved
  • Prepare an annual report on activities of the fellowship to be presented to the Council and at the annual IATM Business Meeting.


The President may create and appoint other ad hoc committees to assist the Officers and Executive Council in the conduct of the Association’s affairs.


The Five members of the Translational Ophthalmology Committee are appointed by Board of Director on staggered three-year terms. The IATM Translational Ophthalmology Committee is dedicated to helping IATM meet the needs of the translational Ophthalmology community, especially its members, by voicing its concerns and making suggestions for changes or additions to current IATM practices, policies or bylaws in training young Ophthalmologist or young PhD scientist in translational research of ophthalmology. The committee will be created when there are 100 members in this field.

Committee Mission:

  • Determine the eligibility of applicants for active membership and submit applications to Council;
  • Recommend and organize workshop, conference and training class in modern technology in ophthalmology;


The Five members of the cell and gene therapy Committee are appointed by Board of Director on staggered three-year terms. The IATM Translational Ophthalmology Committee is dedicated to helping IATM meet the needs of the translational cell and gene therapy community, especially its members, by voicing its concerns and making suggestions for changes or additions to current IATM practices, policies or bylaws in training young physician or young PhD scientist in translational research of cell gene therapy. The committee will be created when there are 100 members in this field.

Committee Mission:

  • Determine the eligibility of applicants for active membership and submit applications to Council;
  • Recommend and organize workshop, conference and training class in modern technology in cell and gene therapy


Any proposed modification of the Constitution must be presented to the Board of Director in advance of its presentation to the rest of the Association. The Board of Director will have the right to send modifications to the full membership upon a majority vote of the Council. Amendments will only be approved upon a written or electronic vote of the full membership.



The Board of Director by majority vote to approve the budget for the Annual Meeting. The Treasurer or President will approve and sign all contracts related to the annual meeting.  The Meeting Chair shall be responsible for the majority of fundraising efforts for the annual meeting, with the support of the Director and Executive Director. All financial obligations related to the annual meeting shall be managed by the Executive Director in coordination with the President and the Treasurer. Any funds raised by the Planning Committee for the Annual Meeting not expended on the meeting shall be turned over to the Association. The Association shall not be held liable for any financial loss incurred by individuals or organizations that perform functions without the approval of the Board of Director


Meetings shall be conducted according to the procedures in this Constitution or by procedures designated by the Board of Director. Other contingencies, should they arise, will be conducted under Robert’s Rules of Order, and the President shall be the Parliamentarian.


Section 1.  The Editor in Chief of the American Translational Medicine is elected by the Board of Director for a period of FIVE years with the option of a second term renewal. No additional terms can be extended

Section 2. The election search for the Editor in Chief is directed by the President of the Association in coordination with the Publication Committee.  An international search should be coordinated by the President and the applications evaluated by the Publication Committee.

Section 3.  The Chair of the Publication Committee will present to the Board of Director their suggestions as leading candidates for a vote by the members of the Executive Council. 

Section 4.  The President will recommend to the Publisher the elected candidate for Editor in Chief.  If agreed upon, the Association will make a formal announcement of the outcome of the election.  If an agreement cannot be reached with the publisher (Hawaii Gangze Inc), the Board of Director will identify an alternate candidate.

Section 5.  The Editor in Chief will provide an update on the status of the journal to the Board of Director and the Association every year at the Annual meeting.

Section 6.  The Editorial Board is formed by consultation with the Publication Committee and the Editor in Chief. The final list of the members of the Board is confirmed by the Board of Directors.


All checks, drafts, bills of exchange, acceptances, bonds, endorsements, notes or other obligations, or evidences of indebtedness of the Association, and all deeds, mortgages, indentures, bills of sale, conveyances, endorsements, assignments, transfers, stock powers or other instruments of transfer, contracts, agreements, dividend or other orders, powers of attorney, proxies, waivers, consents, returns, reports, certificates, demands, notices or documents, and other instruments or rights of any nature, may be signed, executed, verified, acknowledged and delivered by such persons (whether or not officers, agents or employees of the Association) and in such manner as from time-to-time may be determined by the Board of Directors. Any contracts entered into the Association must be signed by the President and the Treasurer.

All contracts will be kept on file with the Executive Director.  In the event of the departure of the Executive Director for any reason, all files shall be turned over to the current President for safekeeping until such time as an Executive Director can be identified and contracted.


Notwithstanding any provision of the Constitution or Bylaws which might be susceptible to a contrary construction:

Section 1. The Association shall be organized and operated exclusively for scientific and educational purposes.

Section 2. No part of the net earnings of the Association shall or may under any circumstances accrue to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual.

Section 3. No activities of the Association shall consist of carrying on propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, or advocate for a particular medical viewpoint.  Officers and Members of the Association shall refrain from promoting any product, service or medical viewpoint on behalf of IATM. 

Section 4. The Association shall not participate in or intervene in (including the publishing or distributing of statements), any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.

Section 5. The Association shall not be organized or operated for profit.

Section 6. The Association shall not (a) Lend any part of its income or assets without the receipt of adequate security and reasonable rate of interest; (b) Pay any compensation, in excess of a reasonable allowance for salaries or other compensation for personal services actually rendered; (c) Make any part of its services available on a preferential basis; (d) Make any purchase of securities or any other property, for more than adequate consideration in money or money's worth; (e) Sell any securities or other property for less than adequate consideration in money or money's worth; or (f) Engage in any other transactions which result in diversions of its income or assets to any officer, member of the Board of Director, or substantial contributor to the Association. The prohibitions contained in Section 6 do not imply that the Association may make such loans, payments, sales or purchases to anyone else, unless such authority be given or implied by other provisions of the Constitution. The prohibitions contained in Section 6 do not mean to imply that the Association may make such loans, payments, sales or purchases to anyone else, unless such authority be given or implied by other provisions of the Constitution.


In the event of the dissolution of the Association any assets of the Association shall be distributed for scientific or educational purposes as deemed appropriate by the Board of Director. The institution to which the funds would go must be qualified exempt organizations under section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as it may subsequently be amended, or to an organization to which contributions are deductible under Section 170(c) (2) of the Code, or as it may subsequently be amended.


Signature of President